While automotive industry activity was basically put on hold in North America and Europe, in China things are recovering (unfortunately, reportedly there are new COVID-19 cases there though too).

Tesla is extremely busy at its Tesla Gigafactory 3 site in Shanghai, where it not only produces Made-in-China (MIC) Model 3 at the maximum possible rate, but also is expanding the plant on every possible patch of land.

According to the latest video from Jason Yang, the foundation for the area for the new 3A manufacturing building is completed and already we can see first steel structures. In the case of 3B, it is in the piling stage.

Video Description via Jason Yang on YouTube:

(Mar 26) 3A project foundation part is completed, steel structure begins to build

3A project foundation part is completed, steel structure begins to build.3B started piling, will see two huge factories in May.

Tesla Gigafactory 3 (source: Jason Yang)
Tesla Gigafactory 3 (source: Jason Yang)

A quick look at the parking lot reveals about 100 Tesla Model 3 ready for delivery - there are a lot of red ones recently.

Tesla Gigafactory 3 (source: Jason Yang)
Tesla Gigafactory 3 (source: Jason Yang)

Great footage from the Tesla Gigafactory 3 was provided also by 乌瓦, recorded two days earlier (March 24). It's really worth a watch.

Video Description via 乌瓦 on YouTube:

Tesla produces 3,000 cars per week特斯拉每周产能已达3000台Tesla gigafactory 3 in shanghai特斯拉上海超级工厂4K

Video shooting time: March 24

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Tesla's Shanghai Super Factory currently has a production capacity of 3,000 units per week, which is a significant improvement over the 2,000 units per week before the resumption of work.
The construction of the second-phase project is also progressing smoothly.
The performance of Tesla's Shanghai plant after resumption has also been recognized by the Chinese government.

Tesla Gigafactory 3 facts:

  • location: Shanghai, China
  • wholly-owned subsidiary (not joint venture)
  • expected total investment: about $2 billion
  • construction was started in January 2019
  • purpose: production of affordable versions of Model 3/Model Y for greater China region (higher cost versions of 3/Y and all S/X to be produced in the U.S.)
  • battery packs will be assembled using lithium-ion cells from various suppliers, including Panasonic
  • expected volume: 150,000 per year in the first phase and 500,000 per year in the future
  • Targets: production of cars (between 1,000 to 2,000 per week by the end of 2019) to start in the second-half of 2019 (volume production, of 3,000 cars per week initially, from 2020),
  • First customer deliveries of Made-in-China (MIC) Model 3 happened on December 30, 2019
  • Elon Musk officially announced Model Y program at Gigafactory 3 on January 7, 2020
  • Tesla was able to achieve a production rate of about 280 cars a day (10-hour shift) or almost 2,000 a week in December 2019. The production capacity was up to 3,000 cars per week. Production of battery packs started in December 2019 (but at the time not yet at the rate of car production).
  • The production was resumed on February 10, 2020, after an extended break, caused by the fight with coronavirus
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