Aptera once made an animation to explain its stands for customers to have the right to repair their cars. They soon released a second animation about Never Charge. Little did we know that the company would use animations to elucidate key aspects of its electric trike. The video above, published about a month ago, explains its skin cooling technology.
The animation is a perfect way for us to visualize what Nathan Armstrong explained in a Denver Electric Vehicle Council webinar. Aptera uses a system of channels laid into the belly pan of the trike through which the battery pack fluid flows. A surface coating then helps to transfers the heat into the composite to cool down the batteries.
This method developed by Steve Fambro allows the Aptera to eliminate radiators. They would increase the vehicle’s weight and penalize its aerodynamic shape, which is critical for its high energy efficiency.
The video below explains why the Aptera is so wide.
If we got it right, it had to be this way for aerodynamic purposes and probably to make it more stable as well. Although the video states it is perfectly fit for the wide roads and parking spaces available in the US, it is probably too wide for Europe and other countries with space limitations.
More Aptera News:
The Never Charge video below talks about another plus of the Aptera: embedded solar panels in the body. They allow the car to recover “over 43 driving miles per day” without ever plugging it in. Depending on where you live, how you park it, and how much you drive, you could never charge your trike, as the name says.
This system will make it a challenge for the composite body to cope with the sun. Seeing how old cars can have cracked or burned paint for being parked outside for too much time, we wonder how Aptera plans to make that possible. We’ll probably see an animation about that very soon – and it will be more than welcome.