Tesla CEO Elon Musk claimed the Model 3 is the safest car in the world. While some people may think he was just boasting or making that up, his comments were based on information provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which crash-tests cars in the States. According to the results of NHTSA's crash tests, no car has ever proven a lower probability of injury.
As you may remember, this all caused quite a bit of controversy. This is because NHTSA doesn't rank cars based on its crash tests. It simply gives each car an overall star rating based on star ratings from individual tests. NHTSA never officially announced that the Model 3 has the lowest probability of injury, nor did it say it was the safest car it ever tested. However, Musk pored over the organization's scores and learned that no other car has ever scored higher. Nonetheless, NHTSA demanded that Musk take back the statement and not affiliate them with the organization.
With all that said, whether or not the Model 3 is officially or unofficially the safest car ever tested doesn't matter. What does matter is how and why it was able to achieve such a low probability of injury score. Donut Media's "Bumper 2 Bumper" program suggests that it's the Model 3's special glass that is so helpful when it comes to keeping you safe in a crash.
In this episode, the channel explains what it means to be the safest car in the U.S., as well as exactly what goes into crash-testing a car. How did Tesla use glass to make the Model 3 safer? What other engineering magic works to keep you safer in a car?
Check out the video for all the interesting details. When you're done, drop us a line in the comment section below.