A few weeks ago, we posted a video about the Ford F-150 Lightning's Intelligent Backup Power system. For the video, I interviewed Ryan O'Gorman, Ford's Energy Services Co-Lead, and Head of Intelligent Backup Power, and asked him some of the questions we've had about the system from our followers.
As of this afternoon, the video has 360 comments, many of which ask questions that we didn't answer in the first Q&A.
So we reached back out to Ford and told them our followers still have a lot of questions and we'd like to set up a live Q&A on the InsideEVs podcast to ask Ryan more questions about the system. Ryan graciously agreed, and we're hosting the Q&A tomorrow morning at 10 am Eastern.
We've made a list of some of the most commonly asked questions that we didn't answer in the first video. We're also going to be streaming the Q&A live on the InsideEVs YouTube channel and taking questions from the viewers.
Therefore, if you have questions about the system, or are just curious about how it will work, make sure to check out the live show Thursday, February 10th at 10 am Eastern.
Pour yourself a cup of coffee and bring your questions, we'll try to get to as many questions as possible. See you then.