ThEVox Network says electric cars are advancing so much that driving a traditional gas-powered car may soon seem obsolete. While this isn't 100 percent true in many areas, EVs are certainly growing in popularity, mostly due to Tesla's success across the globe. Now, almost every major automaker has grand plans for an electric future.

People may not always see what's on the horizon or believe in new technology, but a look at other advancements suggests EV tech will prevail. Most of us remember a time when we had landline phones. Now, practically everyone has a mobile phone with them at all times. Cell phones use essentially the same battery tech as electric cars, albeit on a much smaller scale.

Today, many of the items in our lives are portable thanks to rechargeable battery technology. Many of us have vacuums, lawn equipment, snowblowers, and, of course, computers that are powered by rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. When it comes to electric cars, there's more than just the battery pack involved, but the overall design is not that complex or difficult to understand.

So, how do electric cars work?

Aside from the large battery pack, electric cars have one or more electric motors and an inverter. There's no liquid fuel to burn, no oil, no traditional multi-speed transmission (in most cases), and virtually no fluids whatsoever. The electric motor drives the wheels and also acts as a generator, sending power back to the car when you take your foot off the accelerator pedal and/or press the brakes (regenerative braking).

For more specific details, check out the brief video above. Then, as always, scroll down and leave us your thoughts in the comment section below.

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