CharIN announced progress with the development of a CCS compliant charging plug for commercial vehicles, hinted earlier this year, with power of more than 2 MW.

According to CharIN, the High Power Charging for Commercial Vehicles (HPCCV) standard will be used for charging in the range of 200-1,500 V and 0-3,000 A. That should be enough to address the needs of heavy-duty electric vehicles with huge battery packs of up to around 1 MWh.

The organization already collected and evaluated proposals of the design and is working on details:

"Another important decision of the CharIN Steering Committee was the support for the development of a plug for High Power Charging for Commercial Vehicles >2MW (HPCCV). Proposals from different companies were collected and evaluated in a CharIN subgroup. The proposal of the plug was presented in the meeting and will now be further detailed in a CharIN focus group."

Hopefully, this time CharIN will develop a single DC fast charging standard for global use - not two separate versions like in case of CCS1 and CCS 2.

Premises for HPCCV as part of the holistic system approach of CCS

High Power Charging for Commercial Vehicles (HPCCV) shall comply with the holistic system approach of the combined charging system CCS. With respect to the vast amount of CCS engineering expertise a maximum utilization of existing CCS building blocks and its related standards secures quality and reduces time to market. Compatability will be a key success factor for market introduction and market stability.

  • Up to 1500V and 3000A (Minimum to be defined (200V, 0A)
    • In Compliance with power classes, as defined by CharIN
  • Usability of HPC – Infrastructure for 1000V/500A medium power supply (current Combo connector)
    • “Vehicles equipped with an HPCVC should be able to charge from existing CCS infrastructure.”
  • Coverage of HPCVC power demand via ”add on power extension modules” to the existing connector
    • It is required that the additional power demands be met with additional extension modules surrounding the existing CCS plug, unless its proven not to be technically feasible, following the holistic CCS charging approach.
    • Downward compatibility to Combo1 and Combo 2 (long term invest protection)
  • Reuse of Combo 1/2 connector and communication with basic safety concept “as it is”
    • Communication and basic safety concept shall be compliant with the CCS standard
  • Common set of documents at the interface EV-EVSE for requirements and test cases
  • Charging use-cases as baseline for requirements and definitions comparable to existing high/medium power solutions
  • Support of reverse power transfer
  • Automated conductive charging as a second step

See also:

Technical documents + CCS Interface description

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