Nissan is doubling of the CHAdeMO quick charging network in Germany

CHAdeMO Association released a new map of CHAdeMO chargers in Europe for the month of April.

We see 1,117 points, from which 45 or over 4% were added compared to late March. On average, 1.5 chargers are added every day.

"This month's map of #chademo chargers in Europe: a big jump from last month for Sweden and UK."

UK is the leader with 211 CHAdeMOs.

Worldwide, the number of CHAdeMO chargers stays without update for now, but we can assume that at least we are close to 3,800.

The number of CHAdeMO DC Quick chargers installed up to today is 3688.

-- (Japan 1,967 Europe 1117 USA 592 Others 12) last update 2014.04.22

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